
RF24Mesh and RF24Network Enhancements

 RF24Mesh and RF24Network Enhancements

Libraries updated with better functionality

So we've been putting in a bunch of work lately on the RF24/NRF52x communication stack for Arduino, and surprisingly, given the age of the libraries, we were able to make a number of changes that significantly impact the performance of the network and mesh.


1. Utilize all poll requests. 

The prior behavior of the mesh was to send out a poll request via multicast and gather the responses. Then the mesh layer would attempt to request an address via one of the nodes that responded to the poll. If this failed however, the node would continue on and send out another poll. The current behavior now utilizes up to 4 received poll responses and loops through them all until either failure or a successful address request is made before moving to the next multicast level and sending out another poll request.

2. Enhance the ability to verify connectivity

The prior behavior of the mesh was to call `getAddress(_nodeID);` and verify its own address with the master node. The call would fail if anything but a successful address response was received. Now there is some logic added to return immediately if the address is not found in the master list or is default. It will also return immediately if the nodes address has been zeroed out. Retries will take place if the request failed or timed out. Finally, the node actually verifies that the received address matches its own address.

Update: I am currently testing a new method of connection checking, where each node only contacts their parent node instead of the master node. This appears to reduce traffic, increase connection times, and improve the overall stability of the mesh.

It may not seem like much, but the changes should tend to reduce network traffic, while providing more seamless mesh operation.


1. Fix error sending data

Per the RF24 documentation and behavior, when using some of the advanced write functions, there is a need to call `radio.txStandby()` if a write fails, otherwise the radio will essentially hang and all subsequent writes will fail. This was partially missed in RF24Network, so a call has been added when an auto-ack payload fails. This should improve reliability and consistency in sending data.


1. Interrupt enhancements. 

The use of interrupts on Linux platforms like the Raspberry Pi has been greatly improved and no longer requires root access to operate. Unlike the RF24 library, the interrupt functionality uses GPIO pin numbers instead of BCM pin numbers. ie: Use GPIO 24 instead of pin 18.


1. Fix re-transmit mechanism

The associated UIP IP stack incorporated with RF24Ethernet uses a retransmit mechanism when acks are not received etc, but it was not working. This is now fixed and results in much more reliable, longer connectivity with MQTT, HTTP and other protocols & applications that transmit data.

All in all its been a good year for the RF24/NRF52x communication stack, with support also recently added for Nordics NRF52x SOCs, there are so many potential ways these libraries can be configured! Encryption and authentication features are also available with the newer radio modules, which will easily handle audio streaming and more advanced functionality.

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