
NRF52840 and Arduino: Encrypted and Authenticated Radio Mesh Networks

 NRF52840 and Arduino: 

Encrypted and Authenticated Radio Mesh Networks

In a recent post, I mentioned using the on-board encryption module of the NRF52840, and I've made some decent headway so far! I've finally gotten my encrypted driver working with RF24Network and RF24Mesh and am pretty happy with the results. 

One of the nicest parts of this is it doesn't add any overhead to RF24Network or RF24Mesh itself, since the encryption is incorporated at OSI layer 2. This means that when we transmit a 32-byte payload with RF24Network or RF24Mesh, all those layers see is the unencrypted data. The radio at layer 2 will add some data onto each payload and encrypt it, then decrypt it and present the unencrypted data to the higher layers.

For example, the current overhead of this implementation for encryption is 12-bytes. A 5-byte Initialization Vector (IV), a 4-byte Message Authentication Code (MAC) and a 3-byte packet counter. The radio driver adds this data on in the background, so if you have a 24-byte payload to send, RF24Network adds on its 8-byte header and the 32-bytes of data is sent to the radio driver. The radio driver will then encrypt the data, send an actual 44 bytes of data over-the-air, then decrypt it and present 32-bytes of data back to the RF24Network layer.

Tip: If using this library with the RF24Network or RF24Mesh layers, open RF24Network.h and set the MAX_FRAME_SIZE to 111. Then, per the included examples, the higher layers will handle the larger packet sizes that the NRF52840 is capable of. Make sure to set it back to 32 for communication with nrf24 devices.

There are still a number of questions I have regarding this implementation, but in any case, the library is functional, but don't quite expect full security just yet. There are a number of things to be investigated and worked out regarding how exactly this CCM module is supposed to be driven.

Another thing that is intriguing here is the break from the OSI model, since encryption is typically defined to be implemented at the presentation layer, way high up on the stack. I don't know why, but it feels like a better opportunity to encrypt as much of the data as possible, publicly transmitting only what absolutely needs to be public information. The design of the RF24 communication stack generally follows the OSI model, so the hope is that this will make up for a lack of presentation layer moving forward. It looks like some tasks can still be left up to the presentation layer, like rekeying and managing timestamps to prevent things like replay attacks.

The library with encryption enabled has now been released, get it via Platform IO, Arduino Library Manager or directly from GitHub for the latest changes. Note that Platform IO will install the proper RF24Network and RF24Mesh dependencies, while Arduino Users would need to install the separate RF24Network and RF24Mesh branches manually for now.


AutoAnalogAudio Arduino Library: Updated with recording support for XIAO Sense via PDM

 AutoAnalogAudio Arduino Library

Updated with recording support for XIAO BLE SENSE - NRF52840 via PDM microphone

Its been a while since I received my first NRF52840 device, and I finally got around to publishing what I have so far with the AAAudio libray. The XIAO Sense board that I have has a built in PDM microphone, so I managed to get it working with AAAudio. The results are pretty good, I tested it as a wireless microphone and it seems to hold up well. This is all kind of preliminary, full functionality isn't quite there yet, but it does function.

I've struggled with getting I2S output to work so far, but eventually I should be able to figure it out. There seems to be some sort of problem with it, I would like to blame the board and say it just won't work properly, but there is probably something I'm missing in the code.

In any case, the library has been updated, but it will probably be a while before I do an official release, so users will have to get the source code directly from GitHub.


NRF52840 to NRF24L01+ Wireless Communication with Arduino

 NRF52840 to NRF24L01+ Wireless Communication with Arduino

More on development of the nrf_to_nrf radio driver

So I've finally made some more progress on the development of the nrf_to_nrf radio driver that allows communication between NRF52840 and NRF24L01+ devices. The main and latest development is the functionality of using static payloads. I'd been playing around here and there for a few months trying to figure out why the ACKs kept getting rejected when using static payloads, since I had the driver working with dynamic payloads and even ACK payloads. It turns out the NRF24 devices will only send and receive ACK packets that have a payload size of 0 when using static payloads. The driver actually needs to set the payload size to 0 then switch back after sending/receiving ACKs. I should have guessed, but didn't figure it out for quite a while.

It's been quite interesting so far, this radio will handle payloads up to 127-bytes compared to the 32-bytes of the NRF24, and supports 8 'pipes' (for addressing) rather than 6. It still has a similar method of addressing, which many people seem to find confusing. It also can measure the RSSI and return a value rather than the NRF24 functionality of returning on any value better than -64 dBm. 

The main "downfall" is that the radio is software driven, unlike the NRF24, which handles a lot of functionality independent of the MCU, but that downfall on the other hand gives us direct access to the radio and its functionality. This opens things up a bit for what is possible with the radio. In order to achieve functionality similar to the NRF24 however, interrupts need to be used to handle radio events in the background, while the main software runs. This may prove to be something I'm not going to support, but will see how things develop with the Arduino platform and NRF52 board support.

Another interesting capability of this device is encryption. It contains a CCM - AES CCM mode encryption peripheral, that allows us to create encrypted and authenticated networks. I've been playing around with this functionality lately, and it looks like it can be incorporated into the library in a fairly seamless way. More on this later...

The library is currently available via the Arduino Library Manager, PlatformIO or you can grab it at GitHub if you want the latest modifications.

AutoAnalogAudio Library - nRF52 Now supports Successive Approximation Analog-to-Digital Converter for Audio Input

 AutoAnalogAudio Library - nRF52 Now supports SAADC Support for Successive Approximation Analog-to-Digital Converter for Audio Input I'v...