RF24 Home Automation Kits now Available
I've finally decided to put together some electronics kits with preconfigured devices, using the RF24 communication stack. As the system is now very stable and reliable, I think it is about time I started putting devices together and selling them to support future development and designs.
So with that, I am announcing the opening of my online store at https://tmrautomation.myshopify.com
The current kit will come with a RPi4B and all the attachments like HDMI cable, a case, and power supply along with 3 Arduino Uno R3, 2 temperature & humidity sensors and 1 RBG LED ring, plus of course the RF24 radios. I've also designed some custom PCB shields for everything to just plug into, with power for the radios and extra capacitors, so its super simple to put it all together.
The setup uses Node-Red and RF24Gateway to provide a mesh network that seamlessly links all your devices together, and allows you to add custom devices to the network and/or expand the network by purchasing more devices or setting them up yourself with the Arduino platform.
If they sell, I intend to design more devices to go with the currently available products.
Support is available at https://github.com/TMRh20/RF24-Automation-Systems/wiki
General documentation is available at: https://github.com/nRF24 and more documentation is being created to specifically support the kits.