MultiWii: DIY Wireless LCD Config and PID Tuning using Stick Controls:
The MultiWii flight control software has the built-in functionality of using an attached LCD for viewing and adjusting settings. This takes it a little further by sending the data wirelessly, which can be very handy for adjusting PID settings and other configuration options while out flying. There are only three main components: Arduino Mega, APC220 wireless data module, and LCD Screen. I might incorporate a smaller screen directly into my controller using this sketch.
Wireless LCD in configuration menu during testing
is designed specifically to work with my custom XBox controller and
QuadCopter, but will work with standard controllers and MultiWii boards that support or have a serial data transceiver. The status indicator
portion does require slight modifications to MultiWii, but the LCD menus
will work with the stock software/boards.
Wireless LCD showing status (left,center) and configuration (right)
- Long range (up to 1000m with APC220)
- Capable of receiving standard MSP commands and displaying or storing info
- Adjust PID settings wirelessly
- Adjust configuration options wirelessly
- Displays status:
- Battery Voltage
- I2C Error Count
- Running Time in minutes
- Flight Mode Indicators
- MultiWii based FC Board w/serial port for wireless serial module (APC220, XBee, etc), or built-in
- DIY Wireless LCD: Arduino Mega + LCD (compatible with LCD library) + APC220(Any wireless serial module)
Hardware Setup:
1. Enable LCD in MultiWii if needed (Config.h)
a: Un-Comment: #define LCD_CONF, #define LCD_TTY, #define LCD_SERIAL_PORT 3
b: Set LCD_SERIAL_PORT to the correct port for your transceiver
c: Upload to FC Board
2. Connect LCD Screen to Arduino Mega and ensure it works with Arduino LCD library. Adjust pins in sketch to match.
3. Attach APC220 or other serial module to Arduino Mega port 3
4. Upload this sketch
5. Enter LCD Menu and adjust as desired
LCD Useage:
1. Move Pitch stick up, Yaw right to enter LCD Menu
3. Navigate menus usings stick movements:
Pitch Fwd/Back: Prev/Next Pitch R/L: Value Up/Dn
4. a: Abort/Exit: Pitch Fwd-Yaw Right
b: Save/Exit: Pitch Fwd-Yaw Left
Wireless LCD
MultiWii (Customized to send additional status data)